FIRST MONTH OF 2023 IS looking promising

FeaturedFIRST MONTH OF 2023 IS looking promising

The first 10 days exceeded my very expectations of the year in being bold and having lots to do and multiple activities such as video games, And Civil commitment, 2023 is much less fiasco and controversy ridden than 2022 in reymega life reypublic, and I found better ways to mitigate boredom kingdom attack ambushes in day activities and that is where the playstation 5 COMES INTO PLAY, It will change the year in reymega life reypublic for the better because I have little to go on sometimes to mitigate boredom ambushes sometimes and things take time to mitigate like months or years.



It has to do with facebook and how it became a health improvement threat to the individual and how the trolls that attacked the fanbase of reymega over the years with there hate seem to not want to go away, they want me to go away and they were solely responsible for the FEBRUARY 2014 FANBASE ATTACKS, that attacked my way of life, and my friends too, and my computer, I FEEL AS IF the only way to make me feel better is through a ending of a virtual realm and going into a physical real world with real people and real identities and real non superficial entities that hold me down, that makes one not feel empowered and not feel like they have courage in life and the protocols of life, and there are entities that are on these places that could make one freak out, and they made me freak out and made the whole REYMEGA FANBASE REYPUBLIC freak out, and freaking out is not good its freaking out, its not saying to oneself “i feel good” so im saying this from the bottom of my heart that the days of facebooking are the facebooking in the days, and i feel as i must utter these words that the times of facebooking are kaput AND BY THIS YEAR WE HAVE BEFORE US A NEW REYMEGA LIFE a life of harsh realism and real life and real life ideals and it means that in the meantime the REYMEGA INTERN INTEREST PROGRAM takes effect as of JULY 21ST 2018.     



Hosting reymega life day in the REYMEGA LIBERATION ZONE is like the United States hosting the olympics in ATLANTA, AND SALT LAKE.



THE time is august 2007, DEPRESSION 0% ANXIETY? a total foreign word like speaking martian, ZOFF? “SLEEP” no need for sleep aids, Health debt from a health crisis pay off time? within only a week within the year, Michael Jackson of KINGDOM OF NEVERLAND still on the physical plane, THE CHELTENHAM HIGHSCHOOL ERA of reymega life began the next month, Before the RUMOR HEIST, 7400 MOMS PLACE STILL IN EXISTENCE, Before the Brittany Murphy Health debacle, Before the ADULTHOOD ERA OF THE TEENAGE ERA “18 TO 19 YEARS” Before the reymega intervention against anti fan trolls, February 2014- JUNE 2017 “COMBATIVE ACTION AGAINST ANTI FAN REYMEGA” Before the REYMEGA INTERVENTION INTO MAGACULT45 AUGUST 2015-JUNE 2022.



2022 has become 2014 partie deux on steroids completely in reymega life, starting with the fact that every month since February 2022 has been one health mishap after another, and even the same chronic fatigue symptoms as then which brings back the reymega lame duck period in the fanbase from 2014-2017 a time that the Reymega fanbase was in conflict against anti fan trolls and physical health issues stemming from mental depression during the loner depression debacle in 2014, A period of time which personhood reymega was dealing with the COLLAPSE OF DAD’S PLACE in mom’s place reymega, and realizing the world is unforgivable and the harsh realm of the society, and what did 2014 do? well THE FEBRUARY 2014 WELLBEING ATTACKS helped nothing, the 2014 REYMEGA HEALTH CRISIS helped nothing, chronic fatigue Syndrome started to peak around the fall of 2014 too from all the trauma and distress.

This will take many years probably the same time period too maybe 3 years to rid the chronic fatigue inflictions in health improvement assets, as 2014 had the same symptoms from the health crisis that year.

the lame duck period went from 2014-2017 furthermore reymega had to put a moratorium on many dietary items too to maintain health to prevent chronic fatigue syndrome triggers.



This is so needed now in the World and it must be a discipline action to roll out in the world because polarization is lethal to intuition and ambitions because its divisive and makes people not achieve things they want to do because there affected by polarization.

NUANCE is needed now because its a balance to even the playing field in many and every field of things in the universe.

its a good thing to withdraw from the toxic side of social media

its a good thing to withdraw from the toxic side of social media

2022 is the biggest year in Reymega history so far in questionable ways, From the bob saget debacle in January and to the collapse of the combative action state in reymega life in February , to getting COVID in the same month, to the fall of the mental health state in May of 2022 that was when the reymega international solution posts were rolled out, to the evacuation/withdraw from MAGACULT45 in JUNE 2022, to the tumultuous EXIT OF TIKTOK in august then the EXIT OF DISCORD which the 2 created creativity deficits both tiktok and discord and both created psychological deficits that created mental improprieties and shortened attention span and creates physical health disorders I can say this year is like CHRIS BENOIT LOSING THE UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP AT WRESTLEMANIA 22 of reymega but its a redeeming factor of the family being reunited and the isolation wall falling meaning its the first time in over half a decade that reymega is reunited socially with family, Going back to the discord subject its the tiktok of instant messaging creates mental illness and shorten attention spans and just really dangerous to people who are really impressionable because you never know on the thing, same for TIKTOK its the glass shard pit of the internet, the gas station burrito of the internet full of things that inflict and things that afflicts.



These are really gruesome times in reymega and really times of great anguish and confusion, and times of polarization of the spirit, and with the falling of the mental health state in may 2022 and by first getting covid in February 2022, and then in June 2022 exiting MAGACULT45 OF TRUMP.

I need guidance and what’s next Is I reacquaint myself with family next month The ISOLATION WALL IS COMING DOWN.